Mesilla Legal Center
Looking for a space to prepare for court? We have you covered.
The Mesilla Legal Center provides space to hold your meetings, depositions, mediations, seminars, trainings, seminars and other networking events. Our shared space provides both office space and communal space to get your work done. We have plenty of amenities to ensure you are able to be well prepared for your court date and other meetings. The Mesilla Legal Center is here to assist you and offer you the flexibility you need to accomplish your work. If you need a space to focus or meet with a client reach out to our reception and we would be glad to assist you.

Amenities Provided
Our rental space comes loaded with everything you need to tackle the day.
What are the benefits to renting out our space?
Section Sub Title
- Free high-speed internet access
- Teleconferencing capabilities
- Speaker phones and professional webcams
- Staffed reception to assist you
- On-site parking available