
New Industry Trends for Small Law Firms

Trends in the legal industry are seemingly ever-changing. But with constant advancements in technology and changes in attitudes of those working in the profession, it’s essential to take note of these new trends as they arise. That way, you can adapt and make your small law firm the best it can be.  Use our guide below to learn more...

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Alternatives to Going to Court? 

Going to court is expensive and stressful. It’s also very time-consuming. But court isn’t the only option to settle a dispute. There are court alternatives you can utilize. These alternatives are called alternative dispute resolution methods. They include: This article will explain these court alternatives and their advantages. Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods The following are common alternatives to court....

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How to Prepare for A Deposition

Depositions are a common but essential part of legal practice. If you’re an experienced attorney, you’ve probably done hundreds of depositions. If you’re a new attorney, be prepared to do hundreds of depositions throughout your legal career. Here are some pointers on how to prepare for a deposition.  What Is a Deposition? A deposition is a pre-trial discovery tool...

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are Law Firms Going Paperless?

The world started on the road to becoming more virtual long before the COVID-19 pandemic. Going virtual meant business operations were faster, easier, and more environmentally friendly. Law firms were no different in taking advantage of this phenomenon. After the pandemic, going remote or maintaining hybrid business operations became the norm. Now, a paperless law office is a growing...

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does It Matter Which Law School You Go To?

Going to law school is one of the most important decisions of your life. The next decision is to pick the law school. You’re probably wondering, Does it matter which law school you go to? Yes. Depending on where you want to work, the law school you choose to attend could affect your legal career and your financial future....

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Legal Outsourcing?

Legal outsourcing, or legal process outsourcing (LPO), refers to hiring external organizations or individuals to perform specific legal tasks or processes traditionally handled in-house by a law firm or legal department. Outsourcing legal work can involve anything from delegating administrative tasks to outsourcing more specialized legal work. The main goal of legal outsourcing is to reduce costs, increase efficiency,...

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What Lawyers Can Do to Improve Their Mental Health

It is no secret that lawyers often experience high-stress levels. The long working hours, demanding clients, and intense competition in the profession can affect lawyers’ mental health. In fact, a recent study of lawyers and mental health showed that about half of all practicing lawyers experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges, including substance use disorders.  There are...

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Types of Lawyers Are Most in Demand?

2023 has ushered in a new era in many legal practice areas. New areas of law continue to emerge, and old practice areas are changing. With all these legal transformations, there will be an increase in the demand for lawyers in certain areas of practice. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the legal profession will grow by 10%...

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Qualities Do I Need to Be a Good Lawyer?

Your choice to become a lawyer was probably one of the biggest choices of your life. As a lawyer, you help people who are going through a difficult time or have a big decision to make. You are part of defending laws that are the foundation of the U.S. legal system and influencing growing and emerging legal trends. So...

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do Lawyers Do Pro Bono Work?

Despite their busy schedules, numerous lawyers find time to offer their expertise pro bono, which means “for the public good.” Clients pay nothing or very little for these legal services. Lawyers do pro bono work for various reasons, including a genuine desire to help those in need. Read on to learn more about pro bono work and why many...

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