Pros and Cons of an Open Floor Plan for your Legal Office Space

Open floor plans are all the rage for home living areas.

Seeing clearly from one side of the room to another has a lot of benefits.

Everyone has their own preference when it comes to their working environment and whether an open office floor plan for law offices meets their needs. 

Considering an Open Office Floor Plan for Law Offices

There are a lot of factors that go into determining whether an open floor plan for an office fits your working style. Here are some of the pros and cons of an open floor plan. 

Benefits to an Open Floor Plan

Here are some reasons why an open floor plan could be a great idea for your legal office. 

Greater Flexibility for Space

Open floor plans often make it easy to rearrange the furniture to accommodate different groups of clients.

This could be great for casual meetings, where you just need to pull up an extra chair. This is one of the benefits to an open floor plan. 

Collaborative Work Environment

Open floor plans are conducive to collaborative work environments. If you are working with co-counsel, this could be beneficial, allowing you to have your own space but also remain accessible. 

Visually Pleasing

Open spaces make people feel less confined, which is one of the open floor plan office benefits. There is more to see and, seemingly, more room to breathe.

Cubicles, though practical, are not always visually appealing. 

Disadvantages of an Open Floor Plan

Open floor plans are not for everyone. Here are a few disadvantages. 


Unfortunately, when you really need to focus on the task at hand, open floor plans can make that difficult.

You can see and hear those around you, which can divert your attention. This can lead to a reduction in productivity.

Lack of Privacy

When dealing with sensitive issues like the details of a case, you may prefer a more private setting. Having an open office floor plan for law offices can be an issue if there is no space to have conversations away from others in the office.


Having eyes on you while you work can be stressful for some people. It is not that you are doing anything wrong, it can just be a little unnerving, or a lot unnerving, depending on your level of anxiousness. 

Mesilla Legal Center

Depending on your needs, Mesilla Legal Center has an open floor plan common area that can be used to do light work and greet clients.

This a great option for those who need a space to work on solo projects or catch up with others in the space. Alternatively, you can opt to rent a personal office space or meeting room to conduct business with added privacy.

These spaces allow you to work in a private setting with all the necessary office amenities to meet with clients, conduct depositions, or have group strategy sessions. Contact us to reserve your legal workspace.

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