why do some lawyers work pro bono

Despite their busy schedules, numerous lawyers find time to offer their expertise pro bono, which means “for the public good.”

Clients pay nothing or very little for these legal services.

Lawyers do pro bono work for various reasons, including a genuine desire to help those in need.

Read on to learn more about pro bono work and why many lawyers offer these services. 

What Is Pro Bono? 

Pro bono work can extend to multiple professions. However, it mainly refers to those in the legal profession. A pro bono attorney is a lawyer who offers free or low-cost legal services.

According to the American Bar Association Model Rule 6.1, all lawyers have a responsibility to provide legal services to those who cannot afford them.

The ABA recommends that lawyers offer at least 50 hours of pro bono work yearly. It’s not a strict rule but more of a guideline to uphold the ethics of the legal profession. 

Pro bono legal services are for those genuinely in need. You shouldn’t try to get a lawyer to handle a case pro bono just because you don’t want to pay legal fees. 

Why Do Lawyers Do Pro Bono Work?

While the ABA recommends that every lawyer offer pro bono services, many would do it anyway. If you’re wondering why lawyers work pro bono, here are some of the most common reasons. 

Commitment to Justice and Equality 

A primary motivator for many attorneys to do pro bono work is their dedication to upholding justice and equality.

By offering free legal services, attorneys help bridge the justice system gap, providing access to legal aid for those who may otherwise go unrepresented.

Skill Development and Diversification 

Pro bono cases often present opportunities for attorneys to branch out from their usual practice areas and explore different areas of the law.

By handling diverse issues, attorneys can expand their skill sets, gain valuable insights into various aspects of law, and enhance their problem-solving capabilities.

Networking and Community Building 

Pro bono work often necessitates collaboration with other lawyers, legal aid organizations, and non-profits. These interactions foster a sense of community within the profession.

Attorneys can form valuable professional relationships and open doors to future collaborative opportunities.

Personal Satisfaction and Professional Fulfillment 

For many attorneys, pro bono work serves as a reminder of why they were drawn to the legal profession in the first place.

The direct, positive impact they can make on an individual’s life through pro bono work often brings personal satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.

In many cases, the intrinsic rewards of pro bono work outweigh any financial compensation.

Contact Mesilla Legal Center 

Managing pro bono work and regular casework can be challenging. Tools like law practice management software (LPM) can help streamline the process.

Some lawyers also rely on alternative office locations and co-working spaces to make it more convenient for their pro bono clients and to separate their regular billable legal work. 

Are you a lawyer needing alternative space to conduct pro bono work? Or maybe you need somewhere to conduct interviews, a deposition, or mediation.

Mesilla Legal Center offers rental space for meetings, training classes, depositions, and more. The shared space provides both communal and office space for whatever you need.

Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you.

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