How to Successfully Work as a Solo Attorney in New Mexico

Working as a solo attorney in New Mexico is challenging.

Solo attorneys must wear multiple hats. While working to obtain new clients and increase revenue, they must also find ways to keep their current clients happy.

So what are the keys to successfully working as a solo attorney?

Read on to learn more about the steps to succeed as an NM solo attorney and keep your clients happy. 


When it comes to keeping clients happy and successfully working as a solo attorney in New Mexico, it’s vital to provide quality communication at every point in your representation.

Part of quality communication includes recognizing a client’s preferred method of communication. Some clients may request to talk on the phone, while others prefer emailing or texting. 

Always provide clients with clear communication regarding any case deadlines. Maintaining and meeting these deadlines is a positive way to gain your client’s trust. 


Clients often fire their attorneys when they feel their needs are not being met. When a client contacts you, you must provide them with a timely response—set expectations upfront for all clients.

In many situations, a reply may not be the answer to the client’s question, but recognizing their question and that you are researching or working on a solution will probably put to rest their concerns.

Additionally, a response does not always need to come directly from you, the attorney, or a staff member familiar with the subject matter. 


It’s important never to appear too busy for your clients. All clients want to feel that their NM solo attorney is grateful for their business and is valued.

Never act overwhelmed or imply how busy you are with work for other clients. Focus entirely on your client and their requests and demands.

If your clients think you are operating at total capacity, they may not ask you to do more work or feel their case is not as important to you. 

Make Referrals 

Successfully obtaining work as a solo attorney also requires investing time and effort into business development.

By providing your client with reliable referrals to others, you also open yourself up to referrals. Take the opportunity to bring people in your network together for mutual benefit.

Clients will rely on your expertise and thank you for connecting them with reliable business contacts. 

Check-In with Clients 

Getting in touch with your clients is vital, especially after critical events in their case, including court appearances, receipt of new documents, or updates from opposing counsel.

By checking in, you let your client know what’s happening and the next steps in their case. Checking in with your client doesn’t require formalities—it could be as quick as a simple email, text, or phone call

An NM solo attorney may think it’s necessary to pay attention to a client in the initial phase of obtaining them as a client.

While that’s true, it’s vital to maintain that attention throughout the entire representation. 

Mesilla Legal Center Can Help Your Solo Practice

The Mesilla Legal Center can provide a space for a meeting with your legal staff or for client consultations.

You can avoid the overhead of having your own office while maintaining the ability to keep in touch with your clients.

We are standing by to help you nurture client relationships by providing all the necessary office equipment, internet capabilities, and inviting surroundings to meet your professional needs.

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